I Blasphemer sono tornati con un nuovo brano ed una formazione diversa rispetto al passato: è di un mese fa la decisione di Paolo Maniezzo di lasciare la band, che ha comunque deciso di continuare come un four pieces. È infatti Clod “The Ripper” De Rosa ad occuparsi delle lead vocals, oltre che delle parti di basso, mentre i due chitarristi Simone Brigo e Nicolò Brambilla contribuiranno con le backing vocals.
“Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments” ci presenta dunque i Blasphemer targati 2017, il brano è disponibile in streaming e download.
Soldiers take his garments
and make four parts
They take his tunic as well
and cast lots for his clothes
He stands naked,
robbed of his rags
Denuded of dignity
No longer anything
Reduced to nothing
Exposed to shame!
Jesus is stripped of his garments
Splendor deprived
Would you name yourself a king?
Forsaken by the father
who sent him like a sheep
among the wolves
Under the purple robe of mockery
his mortal flesh is shivering
As the thorns scratch his forehead,
and he’s blinded by tears and blood
A constant tremor shakes the reed
he’s holding in his hand
Like the scepter of a deposed king
Raised in triumph by his subjects
with nails through hands and feet
Forsaken by the father
who sent him like a sheep
among the wolves
Under the purple robe of mockery
his mortal flesh is shivering
Defeated monarch without a land
His reign is over dead and fools
Enthroned on the cross
where his glory gets nailed