Home News VIDEO DEL GIORNO: “Red Wine Stained Cheek” dei Disease Illusion

VIDEO DEL GIORNO: “Red Wine Stained Cheek” dei Disease Illusion


“Red Wine Stained Cheek” è il primo singolo dei Disease Illusion, Melodic Death Metal band, che anticipa l’album “After The Storm” in uscita il 2 marzo per Buil2Kill Records in tutti i negozi e su tutte le piattaforme digitali.

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Kneeling into urine and blood
As if it was your goddamn fault
To be in the school on the wrong side of hell

Did you believe you could yell your words?
Did you think you were ready to growl?

With your head smashed and dried tears
Beaten by protectors of the law
Rights has been blown, stones like bullets have been thrown

The red wine of the powerfull crew
Brooch from his cheek where the bullet went through
Rather than dying with a wire by electricity
Or beaten by epilepsy

Did you believe you could yell your words?
Did you think you were ready to growl?

Sleep you who still have dreams
Few hours no more
‘cause this is time to growl

Ideals turned into molotov made up to (justify)
This is your time now rise up
Ideals fleeing from the broken head while he was (dying)
This is your time now rise up as one
With your head smashed and dried tears
Beaten by protectors of the law
Rights has been blown, stones like bullets have been thrown
This is your time now rise up as one

Kneeling into urine and blood
As if it was your goddamn fault
To be in the school on the wrong side of hell

Did you believe you could yell your words?
Did you think you were ready to growl?

Disease Illusion sono:
Joy Lazari – Vocals
Federico Venturi – Guitar
Alessandro Turco – Guitar
Davide Laugelli – Bass Guitar
Alessio “Zoppy” Chierici – Drums

Additional Bass Guitar by Valentino Colona